Page 5 - sharpes-of-nottingham-policies-document
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You or any member of your party, may cancel your holiday at any time provided the cancellation is made by the person signing the booking form and is communicated to us in writing via the office who made your original booking. You must pay cancellation charges to cover our administration costs and to compensate for the risk of us not reselling the holiday. If the holiday is resold a refund will be made. Your cancellation will take effect from the date on which we or our agent receive your written confirmation of your cancellation. You must also return any tickets or vouchers you have received. A reduction in room occupancy may increase the charges for the remaining passengers by the application of supplements for low occupancy of rooms. Where bought in supplies, such as ferries, hotel accommodation etc have been bought in on your behalf, and where the terms and conditions of the supplier are non-refundable, these products will be charged to you at the full retail rate. If this applies, the non-refundable items will be deducted from your holiday costs and the following scale of charges will be applied to the remainder:
Scale of Cancellation Charges Period before departure within which written cancellation is required
Amount of cancellation charge shown as % of holiday price
More than 56 days
Deposit Only
55 - 49 days
48 - 22 days
21 - 8 days
7 - 1 days
You may cancel your holiday without paying any termination fee before the start of the holiday, in the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances occurring at the place of destination or its immediate vicinity, for instance, if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package.
We hope that we will not have to make any change to your holiday but, because our holidays are planned many months in advance, we sometimes do need to make minor changes. We reserve the right to do this at any time. We will let you or your booking agent know about any important changes as soon as possible, including the minimum number of passengers required on the trip. If after booking, and before departure, we make a major change to your holiday, you will have the option of withdrawing from the holiday without penalty or transferring to another holiday without any charge. In either case, we will pay you compensation, according to the scale set below. A major change includes the time of your departure or return time by more than 12 hours, a change in departure point, location of resort or type of hotel, a change in cross channel travel, or specification of the coach. If we tell you about any of these changes after we have confirmed your holiday booking (other than force majeure), you may either:
- accept the new arrangements offered by us; or
- accept a replacement holiday from us of equivalent or similar standard and price (at the date of the change), if we can offer you one; or - cancel your holiday with us and receive a full refund of all monies.
Either way, we will pay you compensation, using the Compensation table shown,
Compensation Scale Period
5 Days or More
Tours up to 5 Days
More than 42 days
25 to 41 days
15 to 24 days
8 to 14days
0 to 7 days
IMPORTANT NOTE Compensation will not be payable if the holiday is cancelled because the number of persons booked is less than the number required, or for events beyond our control, which include: war, threat of war, riots, civil disturbances, terrorist activity and its consequences, industrial disputes, natural and nuclear disasters, fire, epidemics, health risks and pandemics, unavoidable and unforeseeable technical problems with transport for reasons beyond our control or that of our suppliers; hurricanes and other actual or potential severe weather conditions and any other similar events.
Dated : 20th February 2024 Revision G